Day 25: Gabby dog to the rescue #SOL2021 #SOLSC

I am been on a Zoom meeting with my Spanish Writing Workshop the entire morning, so little time for switching to English mode. I want to go outside before is too late.

Today, Gabby, from BaffleGab will rescue me, and tell me what to write. I need to justify the purchase of this game, I say.

Famous Line: All you have to do is…

5 words: Trick, famous, grumble, tail, wagon.


-All you have to do is agree and go.

And this is what I did, even though I knew it was going to be tricky. You never know what people are up to until you meet them, or even after, they remain a mystery.

I didn’t know that my sister was going to tail me when I turned my back in disbelief.

-What are you doing here? I demanded.

Nothing, she grumbled.

-Don’t you realize that I am almost going to be the most famous influencer in the entire world? You can’t copy me.

She shrugged and tossed my doll in the wagon and kept following my steps.

Image from Pixabay